Hello folks,
I am trying to learn Cucumber and testing in general.
I am working on a app fo lingustic studies, but for the purpose of
testing it can be compared to a “guess the song” app. When a new quiz is
take, a page shows a number of flash players, each one with a single
track. The app works, but I cannot pass the cucumber test.
Here is my step definition:
Then /^I should see a flash player with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1|
response.should have_selector('param', :name => 'FlashVars') do
param.should =~ /.+#{Regexp.escape("numero-1")}.+/m
I have been tweaking the regex a bit (eliminating the .+ and so on) but
the test always fails.
Here’s the response:
Then I should see a flash player with "Corduroy"
# features/step_definitions/experiment_step.rb:14
expected: /.+numero\-1.+/m,
got: <param name="FlashVars"
<param name="FlashVars"
<param name="FlashVars"
<param name="FlashVars"
(using =~)
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.