Talk about trolling…
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
Well, the original poster wanted jRuby to be the one true way. I was
simply saying that wasn’t possible; even Sun couldn’t do it. I too doubt
if they would try. But Sun is a big enough company to try things that
might not necessarily work.
The time of Java hype marketing is past? Maybe, but the language seems
to be an 800-pound gorilla in some peoples’ minds. I can’t imagine Sun
not doing everything they can to insure that jRuby succeeds and wins
business for Sun.
JRuby could only become the “one true way” if the community decided to
move that direction. I have no desire to make that happen; I just want
to make JRuby as good as possible. If the end result is what ALL
Rubyists actually want out of Ruby, great. I don’t expect that will
happen. However I know it will be the right answer for a growing number
of Rubyists, and certainly the right answer for Ruby in a Java world.
I think the best answer is for Rubyists to avoid thinking about JRuby in
terms of Java. JRuby is Ruby, with a different VM underneath. If you
could have Ruby on VM X, where X had full native threading, advanced
garbage collection and memory management, fast synchronous and
asynchronous IO, JITing to native code, runtime optimization, and
built-in support for dynlangs, wouldn’t you want that?
That’s the JVM.
Again, I don’t support dropping other implementations of Ruby. If
nothing else, Microsoft will make at least one release of at least one
Ruby implementation. And I’m sure Matz and Koichi will continue leading
the community path.
The community path doesn’t have to exclude paid developers from
Microsoft or Sun. I am as much a part of the community as you are.
What I’m not sure about is whether Rubinius will flourish. Cardinal
seems pretty much dead, but I think there’s a lot of energy behind
There’s energy, but not numbers. Rubinius is cool, no doubt about it…I
just hope more folks step up to the plate to help contribute time and
effort into it.
Cardinal’s only problem is that it suffers from Parrot.
But we’re talking about two different things here – a community and
commercial enterprises. The community can afford to strive for
perfection. Commercial enterprises can not. They must satisfice, not
And perhaps once JRuby runs Rails perfectly, or exceeds YARV
performance, or this or that, we’ll be moved on to other projects. But
there’s a lot of potential in sticking with JRuby for the long haul. I
realize that, and Sun realizes that. You can FUD all you like, but
believe me: Sun is serious about this stuff.
Still, you have to acknowledge that jRuby is now a commercial project
funded by a major hardware and software vendor. That’s going to draw
opinions and rants and wishful thinking and love and hate and arguments
and FUD. I’m surprised someone from Microsoft hasn’t attacked it
publicly yet.
By that logic, all the Apache projects are commercial projects as well,
since there are full-time folks from various companies working on them.
The same logic could extend to C Ruby, since Matz and Koichi are paid to
work on it. Obviously wrong.
And what exactly would MS attack? A five-year-old open-source
implementation of Ruby for the JVM, simply because Sun hired two guys to
help improve it and bring it to a 1.0 release?
jRuby is an investment. Only time will tell whether that investment will
pay off and what the payoffs will be. I don’t know enough about the Java
runtime (or the CLR or Parrot, for that matter) to predict success or
failure. I’m personally much more interested in the open source
community efforts. There are many more opportunities for me to create
signal there than there are in two corporations, neither of which pays
me a dime.
Ola already mentioned that JRuby is as open-source and community-driven
as anything. There’s a growing community of contributors, Ola is part of
the core team, and we’re going to add more non-Sun committers soon.
Claiming that JRuby is somehow less open or less communal than C Ruby is
pretty silly.