Micro web frameworks

Hi guys,

I just wanted to ask if anyone is using the micro web framework camping?
I’ve not done any web apps (apart from rails guides), but I thought I’d
start with something like camping. I need to make a small web app for
internal use. Is there a better or more suitable alternative (not rails)
or maybe more “popular” that also follows the MVC?


What exactly do you expect from a web framework with “following MVC”?

If you are going to create a small web app, have a look at sinatra [1]
and padrino which is based on sinatra [2] . Both are very activelly
developed with code available on github, good docs and a collection of
useful plugins/extensions.

[1] http://www.sinatrarb.com/
[2] http://www.padrinorb.com/

Hi vlad,

thank you for the info. Basically I’ve never done any web app
programming and I wanted to start small. Keeping in mind I might
eventually go for Rails as well, I thought it might be easier if I start
with a similar paradigm on a smaller scale.

Meanwhile, I’ve started with camping and so far so good:) However I’ll
defintely have a look into other micro frameworks.

As a learning project I’ve decided on a quality reporting app, with two
funcionalities: forms for quality recording and querying those reports
on certain parameters.


Sebastjan H. wrote in post #1142235:

thank you for the info. Basically I’ve never done any web app
programming and I wanted to start small. Keeping in mind I might
eventually go for Rails as well, I thought it might be easier if I start
with a similar paradigm on a smaller scale.

Meanwhile, I’ve started with camping and so far so good:) However I’ll
defintely have a look into other micro frameworks.

As a learning project I’ve decided on a quality reporting app, with two
funcionalities: forms for quality recording and querying those reports
on certain parameters.

You’re going backwards. A minimal web framework is not easier. Quite the
opposite, the patterns and conventions used in them expect the developer
to bring in a lot of experience and knowledge of application design.

Rails is the one you should be starting with. It has the best
abstractions, and a relatively mild learning curve. Most rails tutorials
assume complete beginners.

Sinatra (and other micros) will require you to do a lot of boilerplate.
It was designed by and for people who knew the tech, knew what they
wanted, and knew how to get to it.

You should stick with Rails. Use Rails until you reach such a high level
of expertise with Ruby web applications, and your business requirements
are so extensive, that you have to branch out into frameworks with a
smaller footprint that better accommodate custom extensions.


Point taken:)

And I agree now after a few days of camping that I’d be facing a milder
learning curve with Rails. However, after a few days of camping:) and
reading different resources and sample coding it’s going well. The
downside is that I can’t find many existing camping apps from which to
