Travelers Haven seeks a Software Engineer with strong abstract problem-solving abilities to join our Engineering team. You will work directly with the executive team and the employees using our software to help shape the future of our company. Our team is small but focused on shipping quality product. The ideal candidate for this position is willing and able to work full-stack and do CSS/JS as needed but gravitates more towards the back-end systems side. Code is shipped daily.
· 3+ years of professional web development. The more Ruby, the better.
· 2+ years of Ruby on Rails
· Strong computer science problem-solving ability for creating, testing, and optimizing scalable algorithms.
· Good communication skills. Whether it’s interfacing with a client via email or working with an internal team communication is paramount for our team’s continued success.
· Experience with high-volume, public-facing production applications and performance testing.
· Experience with implementing web application security best practices.
The ideal candidate would have experience with the following:
· Heroku and Amazon Web Services
· Postgres/SQL
· Git
· CLIs
· Sidekiq
· RSpec and TDD
· HTML/CSS/JS (vanilla or jQuery)
If you’re looking to apply, PLEASE send your resume to or apply at
Thanks for your interest and we hope you’ll be part of our team!
*** Sorry, no H-1B ***
*** No Recruiters or 3rd Party Developer Shops ***