Hi folks…,
I'm trying to upgrade from an old typo (4.0.3) to the new 4.1.1
having problems in the db:migrate though.
== CleanupContentsTable: migrating
– remove_index(:contents, :article_id)
– remove_column(:contents, :article_id)
rake aborted!
SQLite3::SQLException: table contents has no column named article_id:
CREATE INDEX “altered_contents_article_id_index” ON contents
Obviously I’m using SQLite database.
Any suggestions?
I’ve also tried a new installation, and while the new database setup
seems to work, all the tests fail in this case. Looks to be a problem
with the :memory: database set up, though even if I specify a real
database, one of the functional tests still fails.
- Error:
ThreadError: not owner
perform_action_without_rescue' /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:293:in
get' ./test/functional/admin/blacklist_controller_test.rb:53:in
./test/functional/admin/…/…/test_helper.rb:21:in __send__' ./test/functional/admin/../../test_helper.rb:21:in
Can someone help?
James C.