Migrate question?

my old schema version was 4,if i update the newest version to 12, my
old data will be affected?or does these changes make my old version
forum don’t work well:
same situation like my,if i want update my rforum as you guys
key things should i pay attention, for i want my rforum work as well as
it used to be?

Thanks, I have checked already this afternoon, so can you give me some
about one of my anther post named ‘Search Failure’,it seems the ferret
does not
work in my new rforum.you guys can see my log details there.
I check the code,and try to debug, problem seems occured here:

def find_id_by_contents(q, options = {})
options[:num_docs] = configuration[:max_results] if options[:num_docs]
== :all
result = []
index = self.ferret_index
hits = index.search(q, options)
hits.each do |hit, score|
# only collect result data if we intend to return it
doc = index[hit]
model = configuration[:store_class_name] ? doc[:class_name]
=here= if block_given?
yield model, doc[:id].to_i, score
result << { :model => model, :id => doc[:id], :score =>
score }
logger.debug “id_score_model array: #{result.inspect}”
return block_given? ? hits.total_hits : result

am i must config sth for ferret? in fact ,i install ferret already :
gem install ferret

Vincent Tsao wrote:

my old schema version was 4,if i update the newest version to 12, my
old data will be affected?

No. Just use “rake migrate” to upgrade the database, and it should work
with the new version. But make a backup of your database just in case.