I want to go from my version 1004 to something 4.0 flavored.
[root@chewbacca logs]#gem list --local
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
rails (1.1.4, 1.1.2, 1.1.0, 1.0.0, 0.14.4,, 0.14.3, 0.14.2)
Web-application framework with template engine, control-flow layer,
and ORM.
I’ve copied my database over to a test database, and have the “blog”
directory set up on a test URL.
Database.yml is set up correctly to access it. At this point, the
version is 42.
When I access /blog/admin to do the migration, I got errors about a
triggers table.
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Table ‘typotest.triggers’
doesn’t exist: SELECT * FROM triggers WHERE (due_at <= ‘2006-07-29
21:00:01’) ):
Adding the table, I then got errors about a missing “due_at” field which
should have figured from the above error.
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Unknown column ‘due_at’ in
clause’: SELECT * FROM triggers WHERE (due_at <= ‘2006-07-29 21:01:36’)
apter.rb:120:in `log’
Adding the due_at field as a ‘datetime’ type, I can then access the
page. It wants to migrate me from version 42 to 48.
Sounds good. When I click “Update database now”, the migration dies
Application error Typo failed to start properly"
The logs complain that triggers table exists. =) Errors are this…
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Table ‘triggers’ already
exists: CREATE TABLE triggers (id
int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment
PRIMARY KEY, pending_item_id
int(11), pending_item_type
datetime, trigger_method
varchar(255)) ENGINE=InnoDB):
and this…
[Sat Jul 29 21:03:40 2006] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm
with server “/aaa/blog/public/dispatch.fcgi” aborted: error parsing
malformed header ‘== CreateTriggers migrating
I drop the triggers table and we go round again to square one.
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Table ‘typotest.triggers’
doesn’t exist: SELECT * FROM triggers WHERE (due_at <= ‘2006-07-29
21:15:30’) ):
What’s a person to do to make this migrate right?