Forgive me if this has been discussed. I’m new to rails and not sure
where to check yet. Also… forgive me if this shows up twice. I tried
posting first through the google groups interface and I’m not sure if it
went through.
I have rails 1.2.3 installed.
I have a migration that looks like
create_table :test_runs do |t|
t.column :test_spec_id, :integer
t.column :parent_id, :integer
t.column :hostname, :string
t.column :start_time, :datetime
t.column :duration, :decimal
t.column :result, :string
t.column :xml_result, :text, :limit => 10.megabytes
after running “rake db:migrate”… the schema.rb contains
create_table “test_runs”, :force => true do |t|
t.column “test_spec_id”, :integer
t.column “parent_id”, :integer
t.column “hostname”, :string
t.column “start_time”, :datetime
t.column “duration”, :integer, :limit => 10, :precision =>
10, :scale => 0
t.column “result”, :string
t.column “xml_result”, :text
Note that the :limit option for the column :xml_result has not carried
over to the schema.rb file.
Is this a known issue?