I thought I’d managed it a while back - you may remember I had migration
Well I applied the patch from before and tried but it gave an SQL
error in the body so I left it for a couple of weeks to see if it
stabilised and the patches were applied.
I tried again today with gem 4.0.3 of Typo and when I attempt to
migrate my Wordpress2 database I get the following error:
…/…/config/…/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/…/…/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:123:in const_missing ': uninitialized constant TestRequest (NameError) from ../../config/../app/models/blog.rb:178:inrequest’
from …/…/config/…/app/models/blog.rb:150:in url_for' from ../../config/../app/models/blog.rb:163:inarticle_url’
from …/…/config/…/app/models/article.rb:26:in location' from ../../config/../app/models/article.rb:45:inreally_send_pings’
…/…/config/…/app/models/content_state/just_published.rb:46:in send_pings' from ../../config/../app/models/article.rb:72:insend_pings’
from …/…/config/…/app/models/web_notifier.rb:5:in after_save' ... 15 levels... from wordpress2.rb:27:ininitialize’
from wordpress2.rb:285:in execute_without_timestamps' from wordpress2.rb:23:ininitialize’
from wordpress2.rb:291
I even attempted an RSS import this time but it didn’t seem to import
a thing. The above error does appear to be similar to the error I
patched on the older version so I tried the same patch but to no avail
it still fails.
I’d be grateful if anyone could help me out here - I’d love to get
Typo up & running and convert over but I keep hitting brick walls and
its really frustrating.
I thought I’d managed it a while back - you may remember I had migration issues.
Well I applied the patch from before and tried but it gave an SQL
error in the body so I left it for a couple of weeks to see if it
stabilised and the patches were applied.
I tried again today with gem 4.0.3 of Typo and when I attempt to
migrate my Wordpress2 database I get the following error:
The root cause of this seems to be that outbound pings are enabled.
The conversion script attempts to turn them off, but it might not work
if you already tried to do an import. Are you importing into a clean
database? If not, then you may need to turn off outbound pings before
doing the import.
I’ve turned off pings and did a full install after a full clean out.
Still getting the same error.
Do you have any other thoguhts or ideas on what could be causing this?
Hmmm. Nothing comes to mind. I will run a test conversion this evening
to see if I can nail down what is causing this problem.
I did an import with the latest code from the 4.0.x SVN branch and the
4.0.3 gem. Both worked for me without any problems. Are you sure you
aren’t running against old code somehow?
I did an import with the latest code from the 4.0.x SVN branch and the
4.0.3 gem. Both worked for me without any problems. Are you sure you
aren’t running against old code somehow?
Definately not old code. Cleaned out entirely. I haven’t tried it
with the trunk though but I’ll give it a go later on today.
Could it be a stray character string messing up the import? I’m sure
I’d heard somewhere for another blog platforms importation script that
a particular character string caused the import to choke.
I suppose that is possible. I am not sure that would cause the error
you are seeing, but I don’t have any better ideas right now
I did an import with the latest code from the 4.0.x SVN branch and the
4.0.3 gem. Both worked for me without any problems. Are you sure you
aren’t running against old code somehow?
Definately not old code. Cleaned out entirely. I haven’t tried it
with the trunk though but I’ll give it a go later on today.
Could it be a stray character string messing up the import? I’m sure
I’d heard somewhere for another blog platforms importation script that
a particular character string caused the import to choke.
Definately not old code. Cleaned out entirely. I haven’t tried it
with the trunk though but I’ll give it a go later on today.
Could it be a stray character string messing up the import? I’m sure
I’d heard somewhere for another blog platforms importation script that
a particular character string caused the import to choke.
I’ll get back to you on how it goes with trunk.
Thanks for your help - its much appreciated!!
The WP converter is almost certainly broken in the current
trunk–we’ve made a bunch of schema changes without updating all of
the converters.