I got a question regarding active records. Im new to ruby as well as
As mentioned here http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_basics.html#migrations,
possible to migrate database schema with active records.
“Rails provides a domain-specific language for managing a database
called migrations. Migrations are stored in files which are executed
against any database that Active Record supports using rake.”
I wonder where I can look up the databases supported by active records.
Anyone knows?
I wonder where I can look up the databases supported by active records.
Anyone knows?
I assume you already know about the databases supported ‘out of the
box’ (mysql, sqlite and postresql) as any initial cursory
investigation of rails would have shown that. As for others I doubt
whether there is a definitive list as anyone could write a gem to
support a database of their choice. More helpful would be ask about
any ones you are particularly interested in. Even there, though,
google would probably give you a quicker and more accurate result.
If you want to get into Rails development then I strongly advise
working right through a good tutorial (such as railstutorial.org,
which is free to use online) as that will introduce you to the basics
of rails.
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