Migrations and Unintialized Constants Error

I am running into a problem with two of my tables and the
“uninitialized constant” error when using migration.

I get the “uninitialized constant Note” when running the following
code in my migration file:

 create_table :notes do |t|
   t.column :id, :integer
   t.column :noteshare_id, :integer
   t.column :title, :string
   t.column :covered, :string
   t.column :content, :text
   t.column :created_at, :datetime
   t.column :updated_at, :datetime

The same thing happens with:

 create_table :faculties do |t|
   t.column :id, :integer
   t.column :school_id, :integer
   t.column :name, :string
   t.column :created_at, :datetime
   t.column :updated_at, :datetime
 Faculty.create :school_id => 1, :name => "Faculty of Engineering

and Computer Science"

Anyone can give me some insight into my problem please :slight_smile:

Would be greatly appreciated :-).

Your Friend,

John K.

http://www.soen.info - source of the freshest software engineering
information on the net
http://cusec.soen.info - software engineering conference

Do you have a Note model?

Does it compile without error?

P.S. If you’re using acts_as_versioned, then you need a version column
in that table as well.

– Tom M.

For notes I fixed everything thanks. Stupid me I called the model
Notes instead of just note.

On 10-Feb-06, at 9:11 PM, Tom M. wrote:

  t.column :covered, :string
  t.column :school_id, :integer

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John K.

http://www.soen.info - source of the freshest software engineering
information on the net
http://cusec.soen.info - software engineering conference