Miller–Rabin primality test

I tried to follow the instructions here:

It doesn’t work as expected… any help would be very appreciated.

class Integer
def is_prime?(k)
if self % 2 == 0
return ‘NO’

n = self
d = n - 1
s = 0

while d % 2 == 0
  d /= 2
  s += 1

k.times do
  a = rand(n - 1) + 1
  t = true
  for r in 0...s
    if (a ** d) % n == 1 or (a ** ((2 ** r) * d)) % n == -1
      t = false
  return 'NO' if t == true

return 'YES'


STDIN.gets.to_i.times do
puts STDIN.gets.to_i.is_prime?(25)

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Ftf 3k3 [email protected] wrote:

I tried to follow the instructions here:
Rabin-Miller Strong Pseudoprime Test -- from Wolfram MathWorld
It doesn’t work as expected… any help would be very appreciated.

You don’t say what you expected and how it actually works.

Hint: How big a number is (a ** ((2 ** r) * d)) ?

Lars C. wrote:

You don’t say what you expected and how it actually works.

Hint: How big a number is (a ** ((2 ** r) * d)) ?

I expect it to return ‘YES’ if the number is prime and otherwise ‘NO’.
Unfortunately, it returns ‘NO’ all the time.

(a ** ((2 ** r) * d)) % n == -1

Can that be true? Can a remainder ever be negative?


On 17.06.2009, at 13:57, Ftf 3k3 wrote:

I tried to follow the instructions here:
Rabin-Miller Strong Pseudoprime Test -- from Wolfram MathWorld
if (a ** d) % n == 1 or (a ** ((2 ** r) * d)) % n == -1

According to the page you posted your condition is not correct.
I don’t read it carefully nor I tested it but it’s obvious that
you forget to calculate the -1 mod n
… == (-1 % n)

Hth. regards, Sandor

I mean when n>0


Sandor Szücs wrote:

According to the page you posted your condition is not correct.
I don’t read it carefully nor I tested it but it’s obvious that
you forget to calculate the -1 mod n

Thanks it seems to be working now, sometimes you just miss the obvious.

On Jun 17, 1:24 pm, Ftf 3k3 [email protected] wrote:

Sandor Szücs wrote:

According to the page you posted your condition is not correct.
I don’t read it carefully nor I tested it but it’s obvious that
you forget to calculate the -1 mod n

Thanks it seems to be working now, sometimes you just miss the obvious.

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Also see Ruby code here: