i want to make MIMO on 2X USRP2 GRC is attached, i got this error…
linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3; Boost_104601; UHD_003.004.002-34-stable
– Opening a USRP2/N-Series device…
– Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
– Current send frame size: 1472 bytes
Using Volk machine: sse4_2_32
Floating point exception (core dumped)
Muhammad Junaid
[email protected]
On 08/28/2012 07:02 AM, Muhammad JUNAID wrote:
i want to make MIMO on 2X USRP2 GRC is attached, i got this error…
linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3; Boost_104601; UHD_003.004.002-34-stable
– Opening a USRP2/N-Series device…
– Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
– Current send frame size: 1472 bytes
Using Volk machine: sse4_2_32
Floating point exception (core dumped)
I am unsure, but I have 2 suggestions.
You dont need the throttle block. The USRP sink throttles the stream.
You should individually address the USRPs to avoid confusion over
which “block” is which device:
Try making those fixes. If there error is still present, I recommend
sending a gdb traceback so we can know where the issue occurred.