MIMO setup error in GRC


Does anyone know about the following error?

File “/export/home/usrp2/gnuradio-3.6.0/MyGRC/top_block.py”, line 52, in
self.uhd_usrp_source_0.set_clock_source(“mimo”, 1)
line 1915, in set_clock_source
return _uhd_swig.uhd_usrp_source_sptr_set_clock_source(self, *args,
RuntimeError: vector::_M_range_check

I am trying to setup a simple MIMO reception with N210+WBX boards in
My MIMO connection is all ok since I can see both devices attached by
running “uhd_find_devices” and “uhd_usrp_probe”. My GRC has a [uhd: usrp
source] block configured to have 2 Mboards one having default time and
clock and the other having MIMO as its reference. Basically I have
configured it the same as the model in Ettus’s Application Note on MIMO
synchronization. But I’ll get the error above at run-time.

Any help is very much appreciated!


On 10/28/2012 06:00 PM, Alex Dusowitz wrote:

default time and clock and the other having MIMO as its reference.
Basically I have configured it the same as the model in Ettus’s
Application Note on MIMO and synchronization. But I’ll get the error
above at run-time.

Any help is very much appreciated!


Given that you’re running a fairly-old version of GNu Radio, I’m pretty
confident that you’re running a fairly-old version of UHD as well.

Upgrade both, and see if the error persists. I think you may find that
it doesn’t.

On 10/28/2012 03:00 PM, Alex Dusowitz wrote:

RuntimeError: vector::_M_range_check

So thats a vector index of of range error:
self.uhd_usrp_source_0.set_clock_source(“mimo”, 1)

Perhaps the device is not configured for two motherboards? What was your
device address? You may find an example for this in the GRC properties
dialog. Something like:

