Hey everybody. I don’t know if this is properly a Rails question, but I
figure if I ask in the Apache forums all I will get is a bunch of
people telling me to go ask somebody who knows about Rails.
I’m trying to set up an internal server for development purposes, using
Ubuntu Linux and Apache. The network address is 192.168.0.xxx. I have
one site that I want to host that is completely non-Rails (just static
folders and files - HTML and PHP) and two others that I want to run off
of mongrel clusters.
I’ve been hacking at this thing all day and I can’t get it quite right.
I found some excellent tutorials at Slicehost.com, and followed those to
set up the mongrel cluster (painless, by the way) but as soon as I
started the mongrels, my static content went the way of the dodo.
So, I stopped the mongrels and reconfigured my sites-available files to
explicitly bind to server names that i then set up in my hosts file on
my Mac. The static pages came up when I used the names to get there, I
got errors when I tried to use the network address to get there
(strange), and when I restarted my mongrels, I got — dum da da dum
— my static content instead. My mongrels are lost in the woods
sniffing their own butts, apparently.
Anybody have any experience trying to do what I’m trying to do? The only
other thing I can think of is assigning an additional IP address to the
machine and then splitting up all activity: static content on one IP,
and rails stuff on the other. Is that the way I should be doing this?
Thanks for any help you can give,