Mock "Consent_6335" received unexpected message :marked_for_destruction? with (no args)

I have a mock object (Person) that is associated with another object
(my_object) through a belongs_to association. When I check whether
my_object is valid (my_object.should be_valid), I am getting an error
like the following:

Mock “Person_6338” received unexpected
message :marked_for_destruction? with (no args)

Checking the list of methods on the mock, “marked_for_destruction?” is
not listed. Is this this something that i should expect to always

As a check, I added

      def  @target.marked_for_destruction?

to the mock_model definition and the test passed.

Rails 2.3.5
rspec (1.3.0, 1.2.6, 1.1.3)
rspec-rails (1.3.2, 1.2.6)

Instead of

def @target.marked_for_destruction?

i added marked_for_destruction in the list of stubs included in

    options_and_stubs = options_and_stubs.reverse_merge({
      :id => id,
      :to_param => id.to_s,
      :new_record? => false,
      :destroyed? => false,
      :marked_for_destruction? => false,
      :errors => stub("errors", :count => 0)

This seemed like a better place.

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:49 PM, thoen [email protected]

not listed. Is this this something that i should expect to always
Rails 2.3.5
rspec (1.3.0, 1.2.6, 1.1.3)
rspec-rails (1.3.2, 1.2.6)

     :id => id,
     :to_param => id.to_s,
     :new_record? => false,
     :destroyed? => false,
     :marked_for_destruction? => false,
     :errors => stub("errors", :count => 0)

This seemed like a better place.

It’ll be part of rspec-rails-1.3.3