Mocking problem in controller

I am having a lot of trouble figure out how to mock one my controller
methods. I was hoping someone might be able to help me.


def create

@objective = current_user.objectives.create(params[:objective])



it “should create a new objective and return new id” do
obj = Objective.plan(:user_id =>
post :create, :objective => obj
response.should be_success
json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)
json[“id”].should == assigns[:objective].id

As you can see, I am not mocking current_user.objectives.create so I
have to look at assigns[:objective] to test that things are working.
How would I go about mocking it?

Thanks in advance for all your help.

On Oct 27, 2009, at 3:51 pm, drewB wrote:

As you can see, I am not mocking current_user.objectives.create so I
have to look at assigns[:objective] to test that things are working.
How would I go about mocking it?

Hi Drew

A virtually identical question was asked recently. Hopefully the
replies to that will help:


Thanks! That was very helpful. I did do some searching but didn’t
come up with that result.

On Oct 27, 11:16 am, Ashley M. [email protected]