Models and erbs

I’m not sure how best to do this. I have a project that has Features
are video links) that go into a homepage.
It also has Events, which get displayed in a table, can be clicked on,
a page about that event displays.
I’m working in an admin application for this site, a type of CMS system
whereby the administrator can put in different videos for the homepage,
edit the events themselves.

Ive been asked to add videos to the events. To do this, I am creating an
EventFeature object. Thusm when someone goes to edit an event’s
it is not like editing features for the homepage. In an EventFeature, an
event_id is in place. My question then, how, in the erb for
can I express things like:

<% if @features any? %>

which now are not just if there are any features, but any eventfeatures
with a specified event_id. How can I express that here?

in other words

<% if @eventfeatures any? %>

Is not really what I want because i dont want all eventfeatures, only
where eventfeatures.event_id==specific value.

Similarly, how would you express:

<$ @features.each do |feature| %>

to be:

<$ @eventfeatures.each do |eventfeature| %>

only for those eventfeatures of a specific eventfeature.event_id

TIA, rvince

On 13 November 2012 16:22, RVince [email protected] wrote:

is not like editing features for the homepage. In an EventFeature, an
<% if @eventfeatures any? %>
<$ @eventfeatures.each do |eventfeature| %>

only for those eventfeatures of a specific eventfeature.event_id

It is not entirely clear what the questions are. I find it best to
think about the problem in terms of models and relationships. It
seems that you have models Feature, Event and EventFeature, where
Event has_many :event_features and also has_many :features, :through
=> :event_features

Then if you have an event then its features are event.features.

So can you confirm that is correct (or not) and ask the question again?


Colin, no, events and features have no relationship to each other
(Eventfeatures are like features, but they are a separate object here).

Event has_many : evenfeatures


Eventfeature belongs_to: event

Thanks! rvince

On 13 November 2012 17:02, RVince [email protected] wrote:

Colin, no, events and features have no relationship to each other
(Eventfeatures are like features, but they are a separate object here). So:

Event has_many : evenfeatures


Eventfeature belongs_to: event

So why were you telling us about Features then?

Can you try to ask the question again then? You know that if you have
an event then its eventfeatures are event.eventfeatures and if you
have an eventfeature then its event is eventfeature.event?


On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 12:16:15 PM UTC-5, Colin L. wrote:

You know that if you have
an event then its eventfeatures are event.eventfeatures and if you
have an eventfeature then its event is eventfeature.event?

Ah, it’s coming back to me now, yes, you’ve put me on the right track.
in my EventfeaturesConroller, how do I access the Event that the
Eventfeature belongs to?

class Admin::EventfeaturesController < Admin::AdminController
def index
@eventfeatures = Eventfeature.all(:order =>

I want @eventfeatures to be only those eventfeatures that belong to the
given event – how do you specify that (or is it implied by the
Eventfeature model wherein I say it belongs_to :event) ?

Thanks for your help here. rvince

On 13 November 2012 17:30, RVince [email protected] wrote:

in my EventfeaturesConroller, how do I access the Event that the
Eventfeature belongs to?

class Admin::EventfeaturesController < Admin::AdminController
def index
@eventfeatures = Eventfeature.all(:order => [“feature_type,sort_order”])

I want @eventfeatures to be only those eventfeatures that belong to the
given event – how do you specify that (or is it implied by the Eventfeature
model wherein I say it belongs_to :event) ?

How do you know (in the controller) which event you are referring to?
Are you passing it in the url? If you pass the event id in the url
then you can fetch the event from the database and then its
eventfeatures are @event.eventfeatures.

Can I suggest that it might be worth your while working right through
a rails tutorial such as (which is free to use
online) then you will get a working knowledge of the basics of Rails.


Thanks Colin,

Yeah, I better do that. I’m not a newbie, BUT I haven;t been on an RoR
project since 09 (just all Python and Java in the interim) and the
of things like ActiveRecord I have forgotten about, not to mention much
the syntax. Thanks for your help here.
