Modifying Radiant?

I have a local copy of Radiant CMS and would like to try extending/
changing it in two ways - need a little help, or at least pointed in
the right direction in the code.

  1. I would like to modify things such that the edit page (main work
    area) and the file tree (tree structure of pages) are on the same
    page . I.E. the page hierarchy is on the left and the edit view is in
    the middle. Can you help me get started with this? what files would
    need to be modified etc?

  2. I would like to ultimately use this CMS to update the content of a
    site by sending the data(content, changes …) to the site via FTP. So
    I am thinking instead of just rendering to the screen, to somehow FTP
    the updates or complete site data to ultimate location, some other
    site. Does this make sense? So I guess instead of just ‘publish’ or
    ‘view site’, I need to create the ability to FTP and send the
    information to another location. Can you help me get started with
    this? What file would I insert such a method or logic and what might
    this FTP code look like? Seems like with Rails it might be easy to
    simply add a method that somehow wraps all the data pertaining to a
    site being controlled by Radiant and FTP’ing that information

But I am new to Radiant and Rails for that matter, so your help would
be hugely appreciated!


I did and got no reply :frowning:

agilehack wrote:

  1. I would like to ultimately use this CMS to update the content of a

But I am new to Radiant and Rails for that matter, so your help would
be hugely appreciated!


JR, you should post this to the Radiant mailing list. It’s a helpful
place. The link is available from the site.

3/2/2008 | 10:16 PM.