Jan E. wrote in post #1070171:
Sorry, but this simply makes no sense. A professional certainly would
write the code himself rather than try to make something out of yours
(no offense, but this is not high school math).
So if this is a serious project, hire someone to do it. Otherwise you
obviously don’t need it.
Half baked security is probably even worse than no security at all,
because it provides you with a false feeling of safety.
If I follow a specification and do plenty of research, I don’t see why
it will be less safe to use it after cryptographers confirm it is
properly implemented, than if they write it themselves and claim it is
properly implemented.
I am not interested in hiring someone to do it and I have plenty
contacts who know crypto well and who will look over code I write for me
and tell me where my mistakes are, but who are not interested in writing
entire algorithms for me (and equally I am not interested in asking them
to do such a thing, I feel bad enough to ask questions like this and I
try my best to show substantial effort before requesting assistance).
I found the answer to my question, it is asking for
((((a ^ b) mod f) ^ c) mod f)) ^ d) mod f)
which is equal to a^bcd*etc mod f (which is probably how I should have
read it in the first place, doh)
So I can easily implement that piece of the puzzle now, and additionally
know that I have done so with a correct understanding of what the math
calls for.
anyway, I apologize for a question that had only a minor relation to
Ruby. However, I do think you are incorrect in thinking that a
researched project, implemented from a detailed specification and
reviewed by professionals, will certainly end up being worse than a
project made by someone who has already done the research to become a
professional. The only difference I see is that they would not need to
do as much focused research as I do , due to already having done it in a
more general sense.