Are these two below the same thing?
module X
module Y
class Z -
class X::Y::Z
Are these two below the same thing?
module X
module Y
class Z
class X::Y::Z
On 14 April 2010 01:45, Me [email protected] wrote:
Are these two below the same thing?
module X
module Y
class Zclass X::Y::Z
Providing class Z has already been created with style 1, yes.
If you try to run style 2 without X and Y having been created you will
“NameError: uninitialized constant X”.
The difference between class and module in Ruby is fairly minimal (and
mainly used for inferring a difference in usage to the reader)
ok as far as controllers are concerned in a RoR app would either of
style matter as far as name spacing?
OK, that is what I thought, thanks.
On 14 April 2010 15:18, Chris H. [email protected] wrote:
ok as far as controllers are concerned in a RoR app would either of those
style matter as far as name spacing?
Nope, won’t matter a jot.
But if you have this:
class Admin::FooController
without declaring Admin first you’ll get an error.
What I tend to do is this:
module Admin
class BaseController
def some_admin_method
Because you need to declare Admin before you can just randomly start
it. Then I do this when declaring a subclass:
class PagesController < Admin::BaseController
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