So I’m using ec2onrails which launches mongrels like:
mongrel_rails cluster::start -C /etc/mongrel_cluster/app.yml -clean $*
Where app.yml looks like this:
user: app
cwd: /mnt/app/current
port: “8000”
environment: production
daemon: true
pid_file: log/
servers: 6
group: app
The question is, I have installed the mongrel upload_progress plugin,
and according to the docs I need it to read a script (mongrel.config)
in the config folder of my app:
uri “/”,
:handler => plugin("/handlers/upload",
:frequency => 1,
:drb => ‘druby://’,
:path_info => [’/assets.js’]),
:in_front => true
The docs say to use a command like “mongrel_rails start -S config/
mongrel.config”, which works when I hack it into the local rails
script/server process, however the -S options doesn’t appear to be
valid for for the mongrel cluster::start command. Can this
information be put in the app.yml file somehow? Is there a way to get
the cluster to read the script file?