Mongrel Crashes in Production

I have been getting this error on the production server after rails was
updated to 2.0.2 and moreover this worked perfectly in the development
mode. This crash occurs when no one is using the app for an hour or so.
This is the error that I get in the logs. (nohup.out file). The
production log doesnt show anything unusual. Please help me out guys.
reload!': undefined methodreset_application!’ for
ActionController::Dispatcher:Class (NoMethodError)
synchronize' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.1/bin/../lib/mongrel/rails.rb:95:inreload!’
reload!' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.1/bin/../lib/mongrel/rails.rb:178:insetup_rails_signals’
call' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.1/bin/../lib/mongrel/configurator.rb:303:injoin’

Thanks in advance.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 8:47 AM, James G. [email protected]

I have been getting this error on the production server after rails was
updated to 2.0.2 and moreover this worked perfectly in the development
mode. This crash occurs when no one is using the app for an hour or so.
This is the error that I get in the logs. (nohup.out file). The
production log doesnt show anything unusual. Please help me out guys.
reload!': undefined method reset_application!’ for
ActionController::Dispatcher:Class (NoMethodError)

It seems you’re getting a restart/reload signal to the mongrel
process, and it is trying to reload the Rails environment calling the
reset_application! method of ActionController::Dispatcher

There is no ActionController::Dispatcher, but there is a Dispatcher in
the global namespace (::Dispatcher)?

I cannot test it since Windows don’t generate the HUP signal required
for this, but I think I’m in the good path.


Luis L.
Multimedia systems

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from
the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent
disinclination to do so.
Douglas Adams

The problem is that the method reset_application! is no longer available
in rails 2.0, but Mongrel 1.1.4 is still using it in

I think you should be able to fix this problem by commenting out the

trap(“HUP”) { log “HUP signal received.”; reload! }

in /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.4/lib/mongrel/rails.rb.


The problem is that the method reset_application! is no longer available
in rails 2.0, but Mongrel 1.1.4 is still using it in

Do we know if that needs a fix?

Surely it needs. My fix only is a hack. Probably reset_application
should be replaced with reload_application, but I am not sure.


On Wed, 21 May 2008 14:41:40 +0200
Till M. [email protected] wrote:

The problem is that the method reset_application! is no longer available
in rails 2.0, but Mongrel 1.1.4 is still using it in

Do we know if that needs a fix?

Zed A. Shaw

This line is for the reload signal that always says “Might not work
well” at startup, right? Did it used to work well? If nobody really
uses it might be better to remove it; otherwise, we should try to get
it to work well (which can be hellish with Rails’ dependency system).


On Fri, 23 May 2008 13:03:58 -0400
“Evan W.” [email protected] wrote:

This line is for the reload signal that always says “Might not work
well” at startup, right? Did it used to work well? If nobody really
uses it might be better to remove it; otherwise, we should try to get
it to work well (which can be hellish with Rails’ dependency system).

It used to work OK, but it relies on the internal Rails reload
mechanism used for development mode. It was intended to let you run
your rails app in production and then hit it to kick it over rather
than wait for a reload.

I’d say these days it’s not needed and it risks running into changes in
how Rails operates. Probably worth dropping.

Zed A. Shaw

I have tested out my fix and strangely, it did not work. I have now
commented out the line containing reset_application! in


Ok, good. That reload mechanism won’t work with most people’s
Capistrano deploys anyway because the new app code is in a different
working directory.

I’ll make a ticket to remove it for 1.2.


It used to work OK, but it relies on the internal Rails reload
mechanism used for development mode. It was intended to let you run
your rails app in production and then hit it to kick it over rather
than wait for a reload.

“It used to work OK” must refer to rails 1.2, since in rails 2.0, the
method reset_application! is simply not available, and therefore the
reload NEVER works with rails 2.0.