Mongrel restart script in .sh file is not working

When I run script to restart mongrel written in .sh file , It is not
working properly.

Below are the commands written in .sh file.

cd /home/apps/stage/bd/log && rm -f pkill -9 mongrel_rails
-u bandega cd /home/apps/stage/bd && mongrel_rails start -e production
-p 4184 -d

But when I manually run all above commands one by one on terminal, It is
working properly and server is started properly.

Is there are some problems while running script in .sh file?

Thanks in advance.

try breaking your script down into multiple lines and not using the &&

it looks like there are some spots in the shell script where there
should be a break, such as between the ‘rm’, ‘pkill’ and the ‘cd’

try breaking your script down into multiple lines and not using the && operator

and then add the && back in once you get the script working