We have a number of RoR applications running on a server with a cPanel
installation. One of the clients sites went belly up with the error
Too many open files - socket(2)
Digging a bit I found that the mongrel server had a large number of
sockets open and appears to be leaking them fairly frequently. The
lsof looks like this
The application doesn’t do anything explicitly with sockets. As far as
I know the RoR installation is standard - from what I understand the
hosting company support installed it and RoR is only semi-supported by
cPanel so they’re somewhat reluctant/lack the knowledge to be of much
I did google searches of every combination of ruby/rails/socket/leak/
cPanel/file descriptor/etc that I could think of and didn’t find
anything. I’m not exactly sure of what versions of ruby/rails/mongrel
we have installed but didn’t find anything about this being a known
issue that had been fixed. I’d warrant a guess that we’re not running
the bleeding edge at any rate and are likely a few versions behind but
again I’m not entirely sure how ruby is installed/managed under cPanel/
Any ideas on where to look further or what the issue could be?
This is what Mongrel invokes when that limit is hit:
def reap_dead_workers(reason='unknown')
if @workers.list.length > 0
STDERR.puts "#{Time.now}: Reaping #{@workers.list.length}
for slow workers because of ‘#{reason}’"
error_msg = “Mongrel timed out this thread: #{reason}”
mark = Time.now @workers.list.each do |worker|
worker[:started_on] = Time.now if not worker[:started_on]
if mark - worker[:started_on] > @timeout + @throttle
STDERR.puts "Thread #{worker.inspect} is too old, killing."
So check your mongrel logs and see if mongrel is attempting (and
failing) to reap workers.
You could also slap this into application.rb:
def timeout
Where APPCONTROLLER_TIMEOUT is the number of seconds you want any given
controller action to run for. This will effecively force timeouts to
independnt of host/os limits and mongrel’s handling of exceptions thrown
when reaching them.
I’ve observed good results with that in some cases.
Meanwhile, raising that open files limit might give you some time to
bug-hunt with. Depends on how frequent the problem is being triggered.
And have a look at HAProxy and/or NGINX if you’re not already running
as a proxy tier / combo. in front of mongrel.
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