More Associations = Faster

I have a Party record that I’m creating from Legacy data stored in
table in the database, accessed through a model created temporarily:

class Legacy < ActiveRecord::Base;end

And from that I’m creating records for parties, addresses and contacts
table. Parties has_one on both addresses and contacts. I’m doing this
the first 1000 records in the legacy table and the benchmark I get back
using Benchmark.measure:

44.200000 4.150000 48.350000 ( 58.145813)

Which I think to be “OK”, but could be improved.

Now here’s where it gets weird. I added in one more association because
forgot to add it the first time. This association is another has_one and
called client. So again, another 1000 records using Benchmark.measure:

31.280000 3.760000 35.040000 ( 41.497573)

So I made a little ruby script that does this for me, ran the one
the client first and then ran the one with the client second, and got
very similar results. So I thought that maybe it was me doing something
the computer, so I just left it running until the end, and again got
results. Reversing the order yielded similar results (WITH client ran
than without)

Why is this happening?

Ryan B.

Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.