More edge rails compatability

in theme_helper.rb, line 17 (in typo 4.1), @base_path needs to be
with @view_paths[0]

I don’t know if this is the best way to do it, but it works.

“James Nelson” [email protected] writes:

in theme_helper.rb, line 17 (in typo 4.1), @base_path needs to be replaced
with @view_paths[0]

I don’t know if this is the best way to do it, but it works.

Does it still work with 1.2.3 though? Or are we going to have another
bunch of ‘big bang’ type changes when the edge becomes the release?


The first one I posted, which can’t really be applied to typo trunk
it has already changed since the last release, will be fine on the
rails version. Basically you just need to make sure the same plugin
added to the plugin list more than once.

@base_path to @view_paths[0]e however won’t work with 1.2.3. I wonder
tho if
you could make it work in either by checking which variable exists…