Most of value of $request_time is 0.000

Our version of nginx is nginx/1.0.8 and we have write a third party
module to handle the http request. Because the process model of our
third party module is synchronous so the nginx worker process will be
blocked until one request accomplished.
The average time cost of one request is about 50ms.But After we set
$request_time in nginx.conf, the most of the value of $request_time is
0.000.Even we set timer_resolution 1ms in nginx.conf most of value of
$request_time is still 0.000.
Are there anyone can tell me why it occured?


On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 11:55:14AM +0800, baipeng wrote:

Our version of nginx is nginx/1.0.8 and we have write a third
party module to handle the http request. Because the process
model of our third party module is synchronous so the nginx
worker process will be blocked until one request accomplished.
The average time cost of one request is about 50ms.But After we
set $request_time in nginx.conf, the most of the value of
$request_time is 0.000.Even we set timer_resolution 1ms in
nginx.conf most of value of $request_time is still 0.000.
Are there anyone can tell me why it occured?

Time as seen by nginx is only updated once per event loop
iteration, so if you block processing for a while and then
finalize the request - this time won’t be visible in

The timer_resolution may change things on some platforms, but it’s
not designed to do so. Instead, it’s to reduce timer resolution
compared to what nginx does by default, see
Core functionality.

Maxim D.