Moving Files from a CGI Script

I’m looking to use a CGI script to move / rename a directory. I can’t
find anything under Dir:: or File:: that looks appropriate and making a
shell command in back-ticks is out of the question as I’m using POST
data to determine which directory to move. What’s the appropriate
mechanism for moving files in Ruby?

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, Nathan O. wrote:

I’m looking to use a CGI script to move / rename a directory. I can’t
find anything under Dir:: or File:: that looks appropriate and making a
shell command in back-ticks is out of the question as I’m using POST
data to determine which directory to move. What’s the appropriate
mechanism for moving files in Ruby?

ri FileUtils


Nathan O. wrote:

I’m looking to use a CGI script to move / rename a directory. I can’t
find anything under Dir:: or File:: that looks appropriate and making a
shell command in back-ticks is out of the question as I’m using POST
data to determine which directory to move. What’s the appropriate
mechanism for moving files in Ruby?

Will FileUtils::mv do what you want?

Alex Y. wrote:

Will FileUtils::mv do what you want?

FileUtils looks perfect! Thanks. Every time I feel like I’m getting
somewhere with Ruby, I find out I’ve been missing some obvious bit the
whole time. I couldn’t even find this on Google!

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, Nathan O. wrote:

Alex Y. wrote:

Will FileUtils::mv do what you want?

FileUtils looks perfect! Thanks. Every time I feel like I’m getting
somewhere with Ruby, I find out I’ve been missing some obvious bit the
whole time. I couldn’t even find this on Google!

download the source. look in the lib/ dir. it’s all there.

it’s all there too.


unknown wrote:

it’s all there too.

That’s the first place I looked. I glossed over the modules listed below
File without thinking about it. There were a lot of them, and usually in
a situation like that, I end up going down a lot of dead-end roads. Just
goes to show what I get for being cynical!