Moving from mod_proxy_balancer to HAProxy; any guidance?

Hi all.

Just decided to move from mod_proxy_balancer to HAProxy for its improved
load balancing to mongrels.

Anyway, have you done the same? If so, can you provide any guidance for
making this change? I haven’t been able to find any guides for doing
so, and would love any insight you can provide.

Many thanks,

Hi Chris,

if you’re looking to load balance multiple mongrels on a single
machine I’d go with Passenger ( directly
under apache… not only it will mange the multiple instances of
mongrel (start and stop them when needed) but it also serves the
static files directly through apache.

Jean-Marc ( wrote:

Hi Chris,

if you’re looking to load balance multiple mongrels on a single
machine I’d go with Passenger ( directly
under apache… not only it will mange the multiple instances of
mongrel (start and stop them when needed) but it also serves the
static files directly through apache.

I will look into that possibility. Regardless, I appreciate your reply.


Jean-Marc ( wrote:

Hi Chris,

if you’re looking to load balance multiple mongrels on a single
machine I’d go with Passenger ( directly
under apache… not only it will mange the multiple instances of
mongrel (start and stop them when needed) but it also serves the
static files directly through apache.

Um, unless a big rock fell on my head and I’ve been unconscious for a
while, you don’t use Mongrels with Passenger. That’s the point of
Passenger: to remove the need of proxying. Passenger is to Rails as
mod_php is to PHP.



You are right, you don’t mongrel with passenger; no rock fell on your

I was merely pointing out a solution that provides the functionality
Chris is looking for without adding more complexity to his setup.
That based on my own experience where instead of trying to load
balance the mongrels I simply eliminated them using Passenger.



This is correct. With mod_passenger you don’t need Mongrel, Thin ou
You connect your Apache directly to Rails.

Watch out because the last time I check this work only on a Linux
server. But why would you use Windows anyway for serving Web pages.


On Oct 21, 3:11 pm, Phillip K. [email protected]