Mr Bones 1.3.2

== Mr Bones


the “Oooh, Pretty Colors!!” release

Mr Bones is a handy tool that builds a skeleton for your Ruby projects.
The skeleton contains some starter code and a collection of rake tasks
ease the management and deployment of your source code. Mr Bones is not
viral – all the code your project needs is included in the skeleton (no
gem dependency required).

Follow the URL above for more information, a list of available rake
tasks, and some instructions on customizing Mr Bones to make life
even easier.

== Changes

  • 1 minor enchancement
    • Added colorization to the manifest:check task
      (you will need the Facets gem installed to see in technicolor)

== Release Notes

For existing projects, you should update those bones …

bones -u your_project

This will update the rake tasks while saving off the current set of
tasks to the “tasks/archive” directory.

== Fun Fact

You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the

== Post Script


== Post Post Script

Keep rattlin’ 'dem bones!

How is this different from sow or newgem?


On Feb 5, 2008, at 12:08 PM, Shane V. wrote:

How is this different from sow or newgem?

Related to sow …

Mr Bones allows you to define your own project skeleton that will be
instantiated when you type in “bones new_project_name”. You can fill
in your own personal data (author, e-mail, etc.) or your own support
files common to all your projects.

Related to newgem …

Mr Bones places all the rake tasks into a “tasks” folder. You are free
to add your own tasks, but all the configuration can be done in the
top-level Rakefile. If you do add your own tasks, those would be prime
candidates to include in your custom project skeleton.

Take a gander at the Mr Bones documentation …

Or just install Mr Bones and try it out …

sudo gem install bones


On Feb 5, 2008, at 12:08 PM, Shane V. wrote:

How is this different from sow or newgem?

Oh, and since a Mr Bones project includes all the rake tasks and
support files in the project, there is no viral dependency on another


On Feb 5, 2008, at 11:02 PM, Chiyuan Z. wrote:

And is there any tasks that can post a release announce to rubyforge
or that can generate an email.txt (like hoe) so that I can send to
rubytalk ?

i think there is a task that emails tim, and then he does it for
you. :wink:

a @

On Feb 5, 2008, at 11:02 PM, Chiyuan Z. wrote:

Hi! nice job! well done! I like bones.

And is there any tasks that can post a release announce to rubyforge
or that can generate an email.txt (like hoe) so that I can send to
rubytalk ?

Not yet. But if you write one, send it in so it can be shared with
others. In the short term, crack open the hoe gem and steal the one
that Ryan D. wrote (I promise he won’t come to your house with a
baseball bat).


Hi! nice job! well done! I like bones.

And is there any tasks that can post a release announce to rubyforge
or that can generate an email.txt (like hoe) so that I can send to
rubytalk ?

2008/2/6, Tim P. [email protected]:


Great gem. Thanks. Auto-requiring everything in lib might not be
good in all cases. For example, certain files may require a
dependency order.
