Multi line text


I am storing multi-lined information in a text field in the database,
and intaking it using a text_area field. When i output it, the
information is all streamed into one line. How can I output the
information with the line breaks.


Replace ‘\n’ with ‘
’ (or ‘
\n’) in your string when rendering


I define the following method in one of my helper files:

wraps each line to width characters, splitting lines on a

whitespace character
def wrap_text(text, width = nil)
char_count = 0
0.upto(text.length) do |i|
point = i;
# reset the character counter if we encounter a newline
# before we’ve reached width characters
char_count = 0 if text[point…point] == “\n”;
if char_count > width
# once we hit the desired width of characters, start
# moving backwards one character at a time until we
# encounter a whitespace character
point -=1 while text[point…point] != " "
text.insert(point+1, “\n”)
# we’ve inserted a newline, reset the character counter
char_count = 0;
return text

I’m sure there’s an easier method for line wrapping (if anyone else
has a better method, I’d love to see it). I did come across the
following site earlier today, which includes a much simpler method
for line wrapping, although unfortunately it doesn’t work:

the method is the following:

str = “Hello. Ruby rocks. " * 50
while space_pos = str.rindex(” ", 80)
str[space_pos, 1] = “\n”

but it fails to correctly line wrap, since each call to str.rindex
doesn’t take into account where the previous newline character was
inserted… I just didn’t want to spend any time fixing it, since I’ve
already got a working line wrap method (albeit mine is a bit


You might want to use the simple_format TextHelper:


Returns text transformed into HTML using very simple formatting rules
Surrounds paragraphs with

tags, and converts line breaks into

Two consecutive newlines(\n\n) are considered as a paragraph, one
newline (\n) is considered a linebreak, three or more consecutive
newlines are turned into two newlines

Mike G. wrote:

I’m sure there’s an easier method for line wrapping (if anyone else
has a better method, I’d love to see it). I did come across the
following site earlier today, which includes a much simpler method
for line wrapping, although unfortunately it doesn’t work:


There’s an existing word_wrap TextHelper function that appears to do the
same thing as yours. It’s implementation is also a wee bit smaller:

def word_wrap(text, line_width = 80)
text.gsub(/\n/, “\n\n”).gsub(/(.{1,#{line_width}})(\s+|$)/,

Thanks Curtis, that’s good to know… Although I think I’ll stick to my
current method, as this one seems to remove lines with nothing but a
line feed on them, which I often have, since I’m displaying the
contents of user entered text in a

 tag.  With my method, I
get pretty much exactly what the user has entered, including their
empty linefeeds, but wrapped so that it doesn’t extend past the width
of the page.


Thanks for all the help! I ended up using the simple_format helper as a
base, but modified it so that it didn’t put

tags around the entire

def simple_format2(text)
text.gsub!(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/, “\n”) # lets make them newlines
text.gsub!(/\n\n+/, “\n\n”) # zap dupes
text.gsub!(/\n\n/, ‘


’) # turn two newlines into paragraph
text.gsub!(/([^\n])(\n)([^\n])/, ‘\1\2
\3’) # turn single
newline into


Thanks again!