Hi, i’ve to send a mail in the multipart format, but it became a mess
because of a 2 years old bug. It change stuff like style=“… to
style=3D” so the clients doesn’t render the mail good.
I’ve open a bug report at #1204 Email multipart 2 years old bug - Ruby on Rails - rails
I’ve got multipart html emails that work just fine. What are you doing
in your mailer ?
Isn’t that normal? Give that the encoding is quoted printable, = signs
have to be escaped. It does that with the mails I send and it does not
cause a problem.
My emails do however contain a full html document (ie with a doctype,
a top level html tag, a head tag, a body tag etc… rather than just a
I don’t know if it normal, but it doesn’t seems to me
Actually i put only the html between body and /body excluded. I don’t
know how good is to put also the html and head stuff. I think it’d add
some points to antispam software like spamassassin, and in the webmail
there would be 2 tags.
Btw i’ve tried to add the html and head tags, and at least on my webmail
now it recognize the links.
But i don’t know how right is to set the encode in the html/head, as
there is the value on the mail which tell the encode: Content-Type:
text/html; charset=utf-8
As you can see is: <div style=3D"color:red">test
It adds that 3D (ascii: ‘=’) and that cause the wrong rendering on a
of email clients
Isn’t that normal? Give that the encoding is quoted printable, = signs
have to be escaped. It does that with the mails I send and it does not
cause a problem.
My emails do however contain a full html document (ie with a doctype,
a top level html tag, a head tag, a body tag etc… rather than just a
I don’t know if it normal, but it doesn’t seems to me
= is a special character when using quoted printable. That’s just the
way it is (much like % is special in urls)
Actually i put only the html between body and /body excluded. I don’t
know how good is to put also the html and head stuff. I think it’d add
some points to antispam software like spamassassin, and in the webmail
there would be 2 tags.
As far as I know webmail clients are built to deal with this sort of
thing. Works for me anyway.
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