I’m currently trying to write a Ruby program using Tk that requires the
use of multiple files and windows. For instance, I have a main screen,
and when I click on one of the buttons, I want the main window to close
and a new window to open. The code for these windows is located in
different files (but if possible I could put them all in one). So far
all I’ve been able to do is get the second window to attach itself onto
the first, resulting in a very ugly looking GUI. How can I get the Tk
interface to let me close one window and open another with a button
click or similar event?
I’m currently trying to write a Ruby program using Tk that requires the
use of multiple files and windows. For instance, I have a main screen,
and when I click on one of the buttons, I want the main window to close
and a new window to open. The code for these windows is located in
different files (but if possible I could put them all in one). So far
all I’ve been able to do is get the second window to attach itself onto
the first, resulting in a very ugly looking GUI. How can I get the Tk
interface to let me close one window and open another with a button
click or similar event?
Thanks in advance to any help anyone can offer.
There’s a couple approaches you can take. You can #withdraw the current
window and create a new TkToplevel and display it, or you can again #withdraw the current window, unpack it’s contents, pack in some new
contents and redisplay the window (I don’t recall the method to
redisplay the window off-hand). I prefer the second approach in general,
but either should work fine. You should be able to do whatever you want
by passing a block to TkButton#command.
I’m currently trying to write a Ruby program using Tk that requires the
use of multiple files and windows. For instance, I have a main screen,
and when I click on one of the buttons, I want the main window to close
and a new window to open. The code for these windows is located in
different files (but if possible I could put them all in one). So far
For example,
require ‘tk’
root = TkRoot.new
win = TkToplevel.new
TkLabel.new(root, :text=>‘This is a root window.’).pack
TkButton.new(root, :text=>‘hide root’,
:command=>proc{root.withdraw; win.deiconify}).pack
TkLabel.new(win, :text=>‘This is a toplevel window.’).pack
TkButton.new(win, :text=>‘hide win’,
:command=>proc{win.withdraw; root.deiconify}).pack
Hi DBH, It’s been since 03/2007 so you are probably no longer interested.
I found that I could use this code below to generate a button that opens an Openfile Dialog Box when clicked.
At this time I am only able to select one file and you can see the filename path that I print to the ruby command console.
I am still trying to discover how to use this tk gem to select and capture multiple files.
Anyone able to contribute to this stream and provide insight to ‘tk’, please do.