Multiple typo app?

Is it possible to host multiple sites on the same typo app?

Not quite. We’re fairly close to having it work on the current trunk,
but none of the admin tools are there, and the permission checking
system doesn’t work like you’d expect.


Dreamhost allows multiple sub-domains and multiple instances of MySQL to
created quite easily.

What I’d really like is to use that capability to have multiple typo
in subdomains. This seems a limited case rather than a general case in
its not really the same “app” since the databases are separate.
Its really just a matter of how the HTTP request gets directed and the
config file used.

Any thoughts?

Scott L. wrote:

Not quite. We’re fairly close to having it work on the current trunk,
but none of the admin tools are there, and the permission checking
system doesn’t work like you’d expect.


On 8/31/06, Hemant . [email protected] wrote:

Is it possible to host multiple sites on the same typo app?

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they
will surprise you with their ingenuity.
– George S. Patton

This kind of thing is more suited for a web server to do, I don’t
think it’s worth putting into typo itself. see my installation notes
at to see how I did it
using mongrel and apache.

Also, why is rails getting rid of find_all?! That’s great for debug

quite true,

mephisto does this stuff.If typo is able to do this, it would be

Also, as new rails is going to remove find_first and find_all method we
should start removing them i guess.

On 9/1/06, Anton J Aylward [email protected] wrote:

config file used.

[email protected]

Hemant K.
Software Developer

INXS Technologies
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