Mysql Collation Questions

I’ve noticed that the schema in typo has collation of: latin1_swedish_ci

I don’t know much about collation except for the ability to sort
differently by specifying “COLLATE”…

Is there any reason (or reason against) changing the collation from
swedish to general? What’s the usual collation chosen for the United
States or the UK?

If it’s a worthy enough idea of changing, is there an easy way to
change collation recursively…I know you can apply a collation change
to a db, table, and then table fields…doing all that separately would
take a lot of work.

Thanks for the info,

To the best of my knowedge, we aren’t explicitly setting any
characterset or language settings. Look at db/schema.mysql.sql. So,
I’d guessthat your Mysql is defaulting to Swedish for some reason. I
don’tknow enough about Swedish to know if its collation settings
aredifferent then English’s in any meaningful way. I know that Dutch
isdifferent (ij), but I’m lost WRT most other European languages.

On 3/30/06, Jason F. [email protected] wrote:> I’ve noticed
that the schema in typo has collation of: latin1_swedish_ci>> I don’t
know much about collation except for the ability to sort> differently by
specifying “COLLATE”…>> Is there any reason (or reason against)
changing the collation from> swedish to general? What’s the usual
collation chosen for the United> States or the UK?>> If it’s a worthy
enough idea of changing, is there an easy way to> change collation
recursively…I know you can apply a collation change> to a db, table,
and then table fields…doing all that separately would> take a lot of
work.>> Thanks for the info,> Jason>>
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