Named groups in regexp matches?


Does Ruby support regexps that assign names to specific matched
groups? In Python, for instance, if you write a regexp like this,

TEMP_RE = re.compile(r"""^(?P(M|-)?\d+|//|XX|MM)/

the match object will provide a hash with keys ‘temp’ and ‘dewpt’,
containing the values matched by the corresponding '(?P…).
and ‘(?P…)’ groups. This is another solution to the problem
of creating regexps where you want to parentheses both for grouping
and substring capture. I know Perl and Ruby support the ‘(?:…)’
syntax to let you use parens for specifying alternatives without
capturing that group, but the Python scheme for labeling capture
groups produces more readable code, and I’ve used it heavily in some
code I was hoping to port to Ruby. I was hoping that perhaps I’d
just overlooked something in the Ruby docs.



On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 03:24:40AM +0900, Tom P. wrote:


Does Ruby support regexps that assign names to specific matched
groups? In Python, for instance, if you write a regexp like this,

TEMP_RE = re.compile(r"“”^(?P(M|-)?\d+|//|XX|MM)/

the match object will provide a hash with keys ‘temp’ and ‘dewpt’,

Take a look at this thread:


On Jan 29, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Gregory S. wrote:

Take a look at this thread:

Thanks very much for the quick response. It sounds like the answer
is that Ruby does not support named captures, but that the Oniguruma
library supplies this feature. I think it would be a nice feature to
add in 1.9. My experience is this is very useful (if not necessary)
for composing non-trivial regexps. Without them, it’s just too easy
to mess up the capture-group numbers when adding or removing
parenthesized subexpressions in your regexp.


Tom P. schrieb:

Does Ruby support regexps that assign names to specific matched groups?
In Ruby 1.9 it works. I wrote some artikels with many examples on (the site may be down for maintenance the next
two days,
especially the following one: -
unfortunately it
is only available in german in the moment, but the examples are Ruby
code and
irb usage, so it should be understandable without understanding the
german texts.

But - Ruby 1.9 is still under development. May be that there will be
changes in
details in future.

Some examples:

irb(main):001:0> md=“abba”.match(/(?.)(?.)\k\k/)
=> #MatchData:0x2bf0488
irb(main):002:0> md[0]
=> “abba”
irb(main):003:0> md[1]
=> “a”
irb(main):004:0> md[2]
=> “b”
irb(main):005:0> md[:a1]
=> “a”
irb(main):006:0> md[:a2]
=> “b”
irb(main):007:0> md[‘a1’]
=> “a”
irb(main):008:0> md[‘a2’]
=> “b”

Here it is visible, that the contents of a matched groups are accessible
number, name as symbol, and name as string, but it is not allowed to mix
groups and normal capturing groups in the same regular expression:

irb(main):001:0> “abba”.match(/(?.)(.)\2\k/)
SyntaxError: compile error
(irb):1: numbered backref/call is not allowed. (use name):
from (irb):1:in `Kernel#binding’

When using “sub”, “gsub”, “sub!”, or “gsub!” witout a block, it is only
to access the groups by name, the positional access return the empty

irb(main):001:0> puts ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/, ‘\k\k’)
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> puts ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/, ‘\2\1’)

=> nil

Inside block a direct access to the group names is not possible - I must
say, I
don’t find a way to do it directly. The use of positional variables “$1”
etc. is
possible. There is another possibility by using the MatchDate object
“$~” inside
the block. In doing this, the same possibilities are available as
described for

irb(main):001:0> ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p $2;‘u’+$2}
=> “ub”
irb(main):002:0> ‘axbxcxdx’.gsub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p
=> “ubud”

and using MatchData object:

irb(main):001:0> ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p $2;‘u’+$2}
=> “ub”
irb(main):002:0> ‘axbxcxdx’.gsub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p
=> “ubud”

There are special situations, where the possibilities of Oniguruma in
Ruby 1.9
allow solutions, which are not as simple to describe in Ruby 1.9.

Ruby 1.8:

irb(main):001:0> “rasbuavb”.scan(/(.)a|(.)b/){|i|p i}
[“r”, nil]
[nil, “s”]
[“u”, nil]
[nil, “v”]
=> “rasbuavb”

Ruby 1.9:

irb(main):002:0> “rasbuavb”.scan(/(.){0}\g<1>a|\g<1>b/){|i|p i}
=> “rasbuavb”

Here isn’t a named group the player, it is the possibility to call a
subexpression. It is a very powerfull feature, which allows recursive
constructs. I made in the article a pocket calculator as example, but it
useful for checking complex input fields in a GUI, or even later on in

pattern = / (?\g+\g|\g-\g|\g){0}

vars =
basbind = binding

print ‘input> ‘ # for interactive usage

while (!(inp = DATA.gets).chomp.match(/^quit$/i))
if (md = inp.chomp.gsub(/\s+/,‘‘).match(pattern))
expr = md[:expr].gsub(/([a-zA-Z_]\w*)/, ‘vars[“\1”]‘)
erg = eval(expr, basbind)
vars[md[:var]] = erg if md[:var]
puts “#{inp.chomp}, result> #{(md[:var])?(md[:var]+‘=‘):‘‘}#{erg}”
puts “+++++ incorrect input: ‘#{inp.chomp}‘”

print ‘input> ‘ # for interactive usage

puts ‘***** variables
vars.keys.sort.each{|v|puts “#{v}=#{vars[v]}”}
puts ‘
** End ********‘
a = 30 + 12
b = 2a
c = -(a
d = (6+5*a)*c

results in:

30+12, result> 42
a = 30 + 12, result> a=42
b = 2a, result> b=84
c = -(a
a+5), result> c=-1769
d = (6+5*a)*c, result> d=-382104
***** variables *****
******* End ********

Summary - in the near future you will habe a lot of powerful new
features in
Ruby’s pattern matching facilities.

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner

Tom P. schrieb:

Does Ruby support regexps that assign names to specific matched groups?
In Ruby 1.9 it works. I wrote some artikels with many examples on (the site may be down for maintenance the next
two days,
especially the following one: -
unfortunately it
is only available in german in the moment, but the examples are Ruby
code and
irb usage, so it should be understandable without understanding the
german texts.

But - Ruby 1.9 is still under development. May be that there will be
changes in
details in future.

Some examples:

irb(main):001:0> md=“abba”.match(/(?.)(?.)\k\k/)
=> #MatchData:0x2bf0488
irb(main):002:0> md[0]
=> “abba”
irb(main):003:0> md[1]
=> “a”
irb(main):004:0> md[2]
=> “b”
irb(main):005:0> md[:a1]
=> “a”
irb(main):006:0> md[:a2]
=> “b”
irb(main):007:0> md[‘a1’]
=> “a”
irb(main):008:0> md[‘a2’]
=> “b”

Here it is visible, that the contents of a matched groups are accessible
number, name as symbol, and name as string, but it is not allowed to mix
groups and normal capturing groups in the same regular expression:

irb(main):001:0> “abba”.match(/(?.)(.)\2\k/)
SyntaxError: compile error
(irb):1: numbered backref/call is not allowed. (use name):
from (irb):1:in `Kernel#binding’

When using “sub”, “gsub”, “sub!”, or “gsub!” witout a block, it is only
to access the groups by name, the positional access return the empty

irb(main):001:0> puts ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/, ‘\k\k’)
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> puts ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/, ‘\2\1’)

=> nil

Inside block a direct access to the group names is not possible - I must
say, I
don’t find a way to do it directly. The use of positional variables “$1”
etc. is
possible. There is another possibility by using the MatchData object
“$~” inside
the block. In doing this, the same possibilities are available as
described for

irb(main):001:0> ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p $2;‘u’+$2}
=> “ub”
irb(main):002:0> ‘axbxcxdx’.gsub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p
=> “ubud”

and using MatchData object:

irb(main):003:0> ‘axbxcxdx’.gsub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p $~[:i]}
=> “”

There are special situations, where the possibilities of Oniguruma in
Ruby 1.9
allow solutions, which are not as simple to describe in Ruby 1.9.

Ruby 1.8:

irb(main):001:0> “rasbuavb”.scan(/(.)a|(.)b/){|i|p i}
[“r”, nil]
[nil, “s”]
[“u”, nil]
[nil, “v”]
=> “rasbuavb”

Ruby 1.9:

irb(main):002:0> “rasbuavb”.scan(/(.){0}\g<1>a|\g<1>b/){|i|p i}
=> “rasbuavb”

Here isn’t a named group the player, it is the possibility to call a
subexpression. It is a very powerfull feature, which allows recursive
constructs. I made in the article a pocket calculator as example, but it
useful for checking complex input fields in a GUI, or even later on in

pattern = / (?\g+\g|\g-\g|\g){0}

vars =
basbind = binding

print ‘input> ‘ # for interactive usage

while (!(inp = DATA.gets).chomp.match(/^quit$/i))
if (md = inp.chomp.gsub(/\s+/,‘‘).match(pattern))
expr = md[:expr].gsub(/([a-zA-Z_]\w*)/, ‘vars[“\1”]‘)
erg = eval(expr, basbind)
vars[md[:var]] = erg if md[:var]
puts “#{inp.chomp}, result> #{(md[:var])?(md[:var]+‘=‘):‘‘}#{erg}”
puts “+++++ incorrect input: ‘#{inp.chomp}‘”

print ‘input> ‘ # for interactive usage

puts ‘***** variables
vars.keys.sort.each{|v|puts “#{v}=#{vars[v]}”}
puts ‘
** End ********‘
a = 30 + 12
b = 2a
c = -(a
d = (6+5*a)*c

results in:

30+12, result> 42
a = 30 + 12, result> a=42
b = 2a, result> b=84
c = -(a
a+5), result> c=-1769
d = (6+5*a)*c, result> d=-382104
***** variables *****
******* End ********

Summary - in the near future you will habe a lot of powerful new
features in
Ruby’s pattern matching facilities.

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner

On Jan 29, 2007, at 5:25 PM, Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner wrote:

Summary - in the near future you will habe a lot of powerful new
features in
Ruby’s pattern matching facilities.

Thanks very much that report! Now I’ll just have to decide whether
to wait until 1.9 rolls out, or find some other way to port my code
in the meantime.


On Jan 29, 10:14 pm, Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner [email protected]

Some examples:
=> “a”

Hi Wolfgang,
I was going to ask why you did not use the syntax of (?P…) as
used in Python, but found that, according to
howto/regex/regex.html#SECTION000530000000000000000, the P is for
Python extensions.

But then if the Ruby extension is quite like the Python one, but not
seen as being the canonical implementation of grouped expressions then
maybe it should be (?R…) showing that this is a ruby-specific


  • Paddy.

On 1/30/07, Tom P. [email protected] wrote:


What I do might be enough for your purpose, :value)
=> S
irb(main):002:0> r=%r{(\w+)\s*=\s*(.)}
=> /(\w+)\s
irb(main):003:0> m= r.match(“name = Tom P.”)
=> #MatchData:0xb7dfbb5c
=> #<struct S key=“name”, value=“Tom P.”>
irb(main):005:0> s.key
=> “name”
irb(main):006:0> s.value
=> “Tom P.”

this could easily be wrapped into a class BTW.


Paddy3118 schrieb:

On Jan 29, 10:14 pm, Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner [email protected]

irb(main):001:0> md=“abba”.match(/(?.)(?.)\k\k/)
Hi Wolfgang,
I was going to ask why you did not use the syntax of (?P…) as
used in Python, but found that, according to
howto/regex/regex.html#SECTION000530000000000000000, the P is for
Python extensions.

It’s not that easy. The regular expression engine used in Ruby 1.9 is
integral part or ruby. It is a stand alone regular expression engine
“Oniguruma” (サービス終了のお知らせ).

Oniguruma is actually existent in tree variants, “2.x.y” can be used in
Ruby 1.6
and 1.8, but it is not the standard engine of Ruby 1.6/1.8, “4.x.y” will
be used
in Ruby 1.9ff, and “5.x.y” is not related to Ruby.

The syntax of the regular expressions are not defined by Ruby, they are
by Oniguruma.

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner

On Feb 3, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Robert D. wrote:

irb(main):005:0> s.key
=> “name”
irb(main):006:0> s.value
=> “Tom P.”

this could easily be wrapped into a class BTW.

Thanks. That’s not a bad idea, but it only addresses half of my
problem, because I still need to be careful to use non-capturing
groups for the things I don’t want to capture. In Python, I can
ignore that - labeling the groups I /do/ want to capture is enough.
Here are a few examples from my Python code:

WIND_RE = re.compile(r"""^(?P[\dO]{3}|[0O]|///|MMM|VRB)
VISIBILITY_RE = re.compile(r"""^(?P(?PM?(\d\s+)?\d/\d\d?|
( \s*(?PSM|KM|M|U) |
(?P[NSEW][EW]?) )? |
CAVOK )\s+""",
RUNWAY_RE = re.compile(r"""^(RVRNO |
TEMP_RE = re.compile(r"""^(?P(M|-)?\d+|//|XX|MM)/

To port these to pre-1.9 Ruby, I’ll need to remove the ‘?P’
labels and change the other groups from ‘(…)’ to ‘(?:…)’. Once
I’ve done that I can worry about assigning labels to the captured
groups, after they’re matched, or just using the index captures.
There’s nothing about that that’s not straightforward; I’m mostly
struggling with my motivation for going through this effort at all,
simply to port a working, well-debugged and fairly fast Python module
to Ruby, especially since I’m fairly sure the resulting Ruby module
will be much slower and harder to maintain.
