Tom P. schrieb:
Does Ruby support regexps that assign names to specific matched groups?
In Ruby 1.9 it works. I wrote some artikels with many examples on (the site may be down for maintenance the next
two days,
especially the following one: -
unfortunately it
is only available in german in the moment, but the examples are Ruby
code and
irb usage, so it should be understandable without understanding the
german texts.
But - Ruby 1.9 is still under development. May be that there will be
changes in
details in future.
Some examples:
irb(main):001:0> md=“abba”.match(/(?.)(?.)\k\k/)
=> #MatchData:0x2bf0488
irb(main):002:0> md[0]
=> “abba”
irb(main):003:0> md[1]
=> “a”
irb(main):004:0> md[2]
=> “b”
irb(main):005:0> md[:a1]
=> “a”
irb(main):006:0> md[:a2]
=> “b”
irb(main):007:0> md[‘a1’]
=> “a”
irb(main):008:0> md[‘a2’]
=> “b”
Here it is visible, that the contents of a matched groups are accessible
number, name as symbol, and name as string, but it is not allowed to mix
groups and normal capturing groups in the same regular expression:
irb(main):001:0> “abba”.match(/(?.)(.)\2\k/)
SyntaxError: compile error
(irb):1: numbered backref/call is not allowed. (use name):
from (irb):1:in `Kernel#binding’
When using “sub”, “gsub”, “sub!”, or “gsub!” witout a block, it is only
to access the groups by name, the positional access return the empty
irb(main):001:0> puts ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/, ‘\k\k’)
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> puts ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/, ‘\2\1’)
=> nil
Inside block a direct access to the group names is not possible - I must
say, I
don’t find a way to do it directly. The use of positional variables “$1”
etc. is
possible. There is another possibility by using the MatchDate object
“$~” inside
the block. In doing this, the same possibilities are available as
described for
irb(main):001:0> ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p $2;‘u’+$2}
=> “ub”
irb(main):002:0> ‘axbxcxdx’.gsub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p
=> “ubud”
and using MatchData object:
irb(main):001:0> ‘axbx’.sub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p $2;‘u’+$2}
=> “ub”
irb(main):002:0> ‘axbxcxdx’.gsub(/(?.)x(?.)x/){|k|p k;p $1;p
=> “ubud”
There are special situations, where the possibilities of Oniguruma in
Ruby 1.9
allow solutions, which are not as simple to describe in Ruby 1.9.
Ruby 1.8:
irb(main):001:0> “rasbuavb”.scan(/(.)a|(.)b/){|i|p i}
[“r”, nil]
[nil, “s”]
[“u”, nil]
[nil, “v”]
=> “rasbuavb”
Ruby 1.9:
irb(main):002:0> “rasbuavb”.scan(/(.){0}\g<1>a|\g<1>b/){|i|p i}
=> “rasbuavb”
Here isn’t a named group the player, it is the possibility to call a
subexpression. It is a very powerfull feature, which allows recursive
constructs. I made in the article a pocket calculator as example, but it
useful for checking complex input fields in a GUI, or even later on in
pattern = / (?\g+\g|\g-\g|\g){0}
vars =
basbind = binding
print ‘input> ‘ # for interactive usage
while (!(inp = DATA.gets).chomp.match(/^quit$/i))
if (md = inp.chomp.gsub(/\s+/,‘‘).match(pattern))
expr = md[:expr].gsub(/([a-zA-Z_]\w*)/, ‘vars[“\1”]‘)
erg = eval(expr, basbind)
vars[md[:var]] = erg if md[:var]
puts “#{inp.chomp}, result> #{(md[:var])?(md[:var]+‘=‘):‘‘}#{erg}”
puts “+++++ incorrect input: ‘#{inp.chomp}‘”
print ‘input> ‘ # for interactive usage
puts ‘***** variables ‘
vars.keys.sort.each{|v|puts “#{v}=#{vars[v]}”}
puts ‘** End ********‘
a = 30 + 12
b = 2a
c = -(aa+5)
d = (6+5*a)*c
results in:
30+12, result> 42
a = 30 + 12, result> a=42
b = 2a, result> b=84
c = -(aa+5), result> c=-1769
d = (6+5*a)*c, result> d=-382104
***** variables *****
******* End ********
Summary - in the near future you will habe a lot of powerful new
features in
Ruby’s pattern matching facilities.
Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner