Need Assistance in converting to Ruby from Java

Can someone help me convert this code to Ruby?

Steven Patel wrote in post #1185593:

Can someone help me convert this code to Ruby?

t ave misunderstand your teacher talk !!!

It is C++ code, not java :slight_smile:

It is way too long to convert this C++ code 1:1 to ruby. Sounds like a
homework exercise.

But I give a few pointers anyway.

using namespace std;

^^^ Ruby load and require statements!

You can also “re-assign” namespaces, like:

module Foo; end
X = Foo

Now X is like Foo! :smiley:

#include “Time.h”

See require ‘time’, date, datetime.

Somewhere are the equivalent time thingies.

class Date

This is easy!

It is:

class Date; end

in Ruby.


Ok some annoying constructors in C++ … glad that
ruby does not require of you to pre-define the methods.

void print() const;
bool equals(Date other) const;

def print

def equals(some_time_object)

You have to do the “const” checking and bool
checking within the method.

void Date::print() const
cout << year << “/” << month << “/” << day;

That almost works in ruby too!

If year is in string representation.

Otherwise it could be:

year = ‘2016’
month = ‘08’
day = ‘05’
puts year << “/” << month << “/” << day

Ok skipping ahead …

cin >> sh >> sm >> eh >> em;
getline(cin, description);

User input in Ruby goes:


For example. Or just gets.chomp. Or Readline module, which is
more convenient.

Anyway, I assume that you only randomly loaded some example
here but once you understand ruby, I would not recommend
a 1:1 clone of the C++ code. Simply write the functionality
that this C++ code does into new ruby code.

It does not seem to be very complex. Just a bit user input
and the rest is determinate.