i’m new to Ruby on Rails. I would like to try it.
I have a windows server 2003.
What do i need to install ?
Real Drouin
[email protected]
i’m new to Ruby on Rails. I would like to try it.
I have a windows server 2003.
What do i need to install ?
Real Drouin
[email protected]
I’ve never used this and can’t vouch for it but this was posted to
RubyFlow today…
On Jun 19, 1:36 pm, real [email protected] wrote:
i’m new to Ruby on Rails. I would like to try it.
I have a windows server 2003.
What do i need to install ?
I started by getting first installing the Ruby O.-Click Installer for
Windows: http://rubyinstaller.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl
It also installs the RubyGems system, so you can just do “gem install
rails” from your Windows prompt to install the Rails framework.
We also have a forum setup specifically for Windows users switching to
Rails: http://forum.softiesonrails.com, but there are other good
resources on the web, too.
I’m reading a lot about ROR since this morning. Is it working well on
Windows ? What about fastcgi. Is it available.
On Jun 19, 4:25 pm, “Real Drouin” [email protected] wrote:
I’m reading a lot about ROR since this morning. Is it working well on
Windows ? What about fastcgi. Is it available.
Development on Windows is fairly stable… You can start with Notepad,
but there are a variety of IDEs available. If you are a .NET
developer currently, you might want to check out SapphireSteel.com
which has a plug-in for Visual Studio.
Deployment on Windows is not a good story right now with IIS, but
Apache for Windows with mongrel works fine. I’d recommend Pragmatic’s
Deploying Rails book, which includes an entire chapter on deploying to
Windows servers. One day IIS will support FCGI but I’m not exactly
sure if there’s a good track record for that yet.
I was a longtime .NET developer who later switched to Rails, and
eventually switched to Mac because there’s a better toolset available
for Mac/Linux development and deployment. IronRuby should eventually
help tip the scales back a bit, but it will be a little while yet
before we see a measureable impact.
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