Has anyone linked Rails to a report generator such as Jasper Reports
(http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/)? At the moment, I think I
need something along these lines for a project I’m working on, so it’d
be nice to know if anyone’s used it before before I bring it up as a
Doesn’t have to be JasperReports, and in fact I’d prefer to stay away
from a Java-based solution if it’s practical to do so. It does need
to run on Linux. A Ruby-based equivalent to Jasper Reports would be
reeeeeally nice…
Has anyone linked Rails to a report generator such as Jasper Reports
(http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/)? At the moment, I think I
need something along these lines for a project I’m working on, so it’d
be nice to know if anyone’s used it before before I bring it up as a
However, I don’t like the fact it starts a new JVM each time. From
the Wiki:
"JasperReports itself is very fast, but bringing up a Java Virtual
Machine for each call of generate_doc takes its time (about 2 seconds
on my machine). It would be much faster, if the Java interface
application would run as a server application all the time and
listening on a specific TCP port for incoming report generation
requests. Then, the performance issue would be gone. I haven?t found
the time to implement a JasperReport server yet. But, if somebody
does, please let me know!
I think an option for better performance would be to use Apache
Cocoon and call this pages from ruby. This way one could either use
Apache FOP and XML/XSLT to generate PDF pages or integrate
JasperReports or Eclipse BIRT into Cocoon. When Cocoon is then
executed as Tomcat-Webapp the startuptime is nearly null."
It would certainly be nice if someone could add the steps to make
JasperReports available on a TCP port.
Doesn’t have to be JasperReports, and in fact I’d prefer to stay away
from a Java-based solution if it’s practical to do so. It does need
to run on Linux. A Ruby-based equivalent to Jasper Reports would be
reeeeeally nice…
I haven’t found one yet, and I don’t think one exists for the moment.
It would be great, that’s a fact. Let’s hope someone finds the time
to do this, especially if you could use an already existing
application to edit the layouts.
Doesn’t have to be JasperReports, and in fact I’d prefer to stay away
from a Java-based solution if it’s practical to do so. It does need
to run on Linux. A Ruby-based equivalent to Jasper Reports would be
reeeeeally nice…
Some time ago, I’ve started to write a little ruby program that is able
to reads jasperreport XML files and produces pdf reports.
The first (and, until now, unique) release is here: http://www.addsw.it/wiki/doku.php?id=repy_jasper
After this release, I’ve implemented some little changes, like data
grouping, but I’ve not found the time to conclude the work and release.