Need to override database.yml settings for Capistrano run


Database: SQL Server 2000
SQLServer adapter in ODBC mode

I have a Capistrano deploy script which fails when I run against my
production DB.

Apparently, this is the because the user that is set up for production
has “guest” privileges in my SQL Server database and when Capistrano
runs, instead of looking at the dbo.schema_info table (which has the
correct version # - yes I know this begs the question how did that
schema_info table get the correct version #), the user creates it’s own
schema_info table, which of course, gets a default version of 0 and the
migration attempts to start from there.

I need 1 of 2 things:

  1. The ability to override the database.yml user/pass settings for the
    production database

  2. A way to specify DB ownership of the schema_info table so that I look
    at the correct schema_info table.


I forgot my current solution to this problem - I created a separate
connection spec. in database.yml named prod_migrate which has the
credentials I need to both see the correct schema_info table and create
objects in the correct database.

Still would be nice to know if I have other options.
