In the namespace “music” I have artists, styles and labels, where
artists also acts as namespace containing types:
map.namespace :music do |music|
music.resources :artists
music.namespace :artists do |artists|
artists.resources :types
music.resources :styles
music.resources :labels
On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 12:28 AM, Joshua M. [email protected] wrote:
map.namespace :music do |music|
music.resources :artists
music.namespace :artists do |artists|
artists.resources :types
music.resources :styles
music.resources :labels
Sniffer from the docs:
namespace(name, options = {}, &block)
Enables the use of resources in a module by setting the name_prefix,
path_prefix, and namespace for the model. Example:
map.namespace(:admin) do |admin|
admin.resources :products,
:has_many => [ :tags, :images, :variants ]
This will create admin_products_url pointing to “admin/products”,
which will look for an Admin::ProductsController. It’ll also create
admin_product_tags_url pointing to
“admin/products/#{product_id}/tags”, which will look for
you’re using the plural.
most likely that’s it. otherwise it’s more likely, that types or type is
a ruby keyword than artists.
oops, just realize, you’re using a namespace, that’s the same name as a
controller, that most likely won’t work…
Surprisingly this really was the problem. I changed it to the singular
form, and now it works perfectly. So it seems not to be any problem to
nest namespaces and resources.
Thanks you guys!
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