Here’s the gist of my problem: (using formtastic)
Person (has_one :color)
So I have this database full of already populated Color entries via a
whole separate controller + views for creating Colors. When creating a
person, I want to be able to select a Color object without creating it.
So I’m not looking for something such as:
= semantic_form_for @person do |form|
= form.input :name
= semantic_fields_for :color do |c|
= c.input :hex
= form.actions :submit
This would create a Color model to be associated with a Person. I want
something more along the lines of this functionality:
= semantic_form_for @person do |form|
= form.input :name
= form.input :color, :as => :select, :collection => @colors
so that I can select a Color that is already in the database.
I know there is a more rails-way to do this rather than having a “color
code” attribute and then perform a query to locate a Color that has the
corresponding color code. Any suggestions are much appreciated!
- Mac