I have installed gnuradio on Beaglebone black, which runs under Angstrom
uhd finding devices works good, and I am able to see my usrp1 device,
when I run uhd_rx_cfile i get following error:
linux; GNU C++ version 4.5.3 20110311 (prerelease); Boost_104500;
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/uhd_rx_cfile.py”, line 143, in
tb = rx_cfile_block(options, filename)
File “/usr/bin/uhd_rx_cfile.py”, line 51, in init
File “/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnuradio/uhd/init.py”, line
74, in constructor_interceptor
return old_constructor(*args, **kwargs)
File “/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gnuradio/uhd/uhd_swig.py”, line
1831, in usrp_source
return _uhd_swig.usrp_source(*args, **kwargs)
RuntimeError: Network is unreachable
there is no such option args is the answer from app.
hm, because it was in repo of angstrom linux, and I don’t know If I can
handle crosscompiling of newer version (is there any other way?)
Phil has kept the gnuradio recipe in OE up to date, so you should be
able to get the latest version you want. You may need to get a more
recent version of Angstrom, though.
Can you tall me how you installed Angstrom and gnuradio on the BBB? I
will check the feeds are current.
there are several issues here, and the point is I wanted to try to make
something really fast.
First of all i can’t access to the internal network with BBB, it’s just
like that, so I had to download binaries manually, which I did from the
Angstrom website. There you can find gnuradio 3.4.3.
The system on BBB is updated like one month ago.
Phil has kept the gnuradio recipe in OE up to date, so you should be
able to get the latest version you want. You may need to get a more
recent version of Angstrom, though.
Have you tried using opkg update/upgrade? If that doesn’t work just
try using a newer image. If you don’t want to cross compile there’s
plenty of options. You could grab a premade image from angstrom
website, or build your own here: http://dominion.thruhere.net/koen/narcissus/
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