Hi everyone!
we have been working on phrase https://phraseapp.com, a project around
the i18n gem. It provides the ability to translate a website using
edit. If you have ever developed a larger, localized project you might
run into the same issues as we did and phrase might be interesting for
It would be nice to hear some feedback and see some developers using it

Thank you!
Manuel Boy wrote in post #1055240:
Hi everyone!
we have been working on phrase https://phraseapp.com, a project around
the i18n gem. It provides the ability to translate a website using
edit. If you have ever developed a larger, localized project you might
run into the same issues as we did and phrase might be interesting for
It would be nice to hear some feedback and see some developers using it

This looks very interesting. Iâll by trying to use it soon.
Nice! Great to hear you like it 
Am Samstag, 7. April 2012 15:37:10 UTC+2 schrieb YogiZoli:
Excellent idea, just signed up!
Phraseapp.com is really impressive. I still have a problem to translate
my devise stuff.
This is what I receive in my mail.
Did anybody have a suggestion?
This is what I tried
<%= phrase_javascript(âxxxxxxxxâ) %>
without success