I am new to Ruby/InstantRails. I am using InstantRails 2.0.2 with mysql
My application is named Area, it has two tables: people and country
Table people has two columns: name and tribe
Table country has two columns: location and population
In the models I have:
class People < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :country
class Country < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :peoples
I have country_id in the people’s table.
I know I can do this:
<% @peoples.each do |people| %>
<%= people.name %>
<%= people.country.location %>
// This works
What I want to do is to display location on country\index.html.erb
You are so right Sazima. I am confused like a beginner. Thanks for
clearing that up for me. I have started learning Ruby. Thanks for all
the suggestions guys.
Sazima wrote:
You’re confusing Rails with InstantRails. Rails is the web framework,
Instant Rails is a package containing Rails + web server + DB, etc.
Google for Rails books, there are also plenty of suggestions in other
topics in this group. Finally, if you have the time, I would start by
1st learning Ruby and then moving to Rails with AWDR, The Rails Way,
You’re confusing Rails with InstantRails. Rails is the web framework,
Instant Rails is a package containing Rails + web server + DB, etc.
Google for Rails books, there are also plenty of suggestions in other
topics in this group. Finally, if you have the time, I would start by
1st learning Ruby and then moving to Rails with AWDR, The Rails Way,
Cheers, Sazima
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.