I’m new to the RoR and web development field.
I’d like to buy/registrar a domain name and host the site on one of the
hosting providers. However, since I’m new , I puzzled with the variety
of types of servers and application.
Such as: shared vs. VP servers.
Can anyone assist here ?
Also, what can you make a short explanation about Apache and mongrel (I
thought they are intended for the same thing), cgi/fcgi.
Finally, if I want to make a very small web site using RoR which will
probably also have wordpress. What are the requirements that I need to
ask the hosting provider per the buzwords above ?
Could you be abit cleaer.
Apache and mongrel are for the same thing , right ? so what is the
difference ?
In the same context, what exactly is cgi/Fcgi for ? what other
application are there for the same purpose ? what are the differences ?
Do I need from the hosting provider mongrel/apache/cgi etc. or can I
install that and Ruby (and wordpress) on every hosting server ?
I’d recommend picking up a copy of the book Deploying Rails
Applications -
from the Pragmatic Programmers. It goes through all of the hosting
options and configuration of Apache/Mongrel/Nginx. It’s got great
information in it, and I’m sure it will answer most of your questions.
As for hosting, i’m using the dreamhost, and it is ok if you aren’t
expecting any kind of uptime gaurantee.
The shared plan with fastcgi works pretty easily. I made the mistake
of upgrading to the DHPS, which didn’t work out too well…Dreamhost
doesn’t really support Rails as well as many of the others out there:
linode, slicehost, etc.
There is a list of hosting providers on the rails wiki.