Hello, this is my first time in the forums and whatnot, I’ll skip that
and go straight to it…
Basically, I want to learn Ruby and become proficient with it, I have
basic knowledge on HTML and CSS and desire to construct a website, and
in the short term future learn C#, team up with someone and construct
mobile applications; however, I’m still on the baby steps phase!
I am a life-long user of Windows and when starting to download
documentation for Ruby I was told in a rather imperative way to use an
OS that had Linux as its kernel, so I decided to make a partition to my
hard drive, download Ubuntu and start off quickly and with the right
foot, little did I know, it was gonna stress me the eff out.
Basically, Ruby savvy people, I come here to bow my head and ask for
help, for I am confused as to how even begin making an interactive IDE
(which would probably make it much easier to learn and try out stuff),
the command terminal is also slightly intimidating, and I REALLY want to
start learning, and following tutorials as soon as possible, today in
Anyway, that’s my current issue people, sorry for the long post and I
hope you can help me here!
Thank you!