I’ve uplaoded the B1.07 version of AWDwR. It fixes a number of
reported errata (and a few that weren’t reported :), and
includes the updated version of the Action Controller
chapter (in fact, Action Controller is now documented in
two chapters). It incldues all the new routing goodness
(and, in particular map.resources) as well as showing a fun way to
play with routes in script/console.
Back in the Depot application I’ve fixed a couple of Ajax
issues, but other appear to be bugs in Ajax support, so I’m
waiting to see how that shakes out before changing the content.
I’ve also left the Reloadable stuff in, even thought it is
deprecated in Edge Rails, as I want to see if anything develops
in that area before removing it entirely.
As usual, the update is available for free from
Enter just two of the three pieces of information to identify your PDF.
I recommend using your order number and your email address, as these
to be be the most consistent.
A note on errata: please do keep them coming in. However, as I’ll be
rewriting the chapters from the first edition (the ones with the gray
headers and footers) you might not want to stress too much about things
you find in these. Also, errata about bad page breaks and missing cross
references will be silently but brutally deleted, simply because that
kind of stuff is not really important until we come to finish the book.
Similarly, the entire index will be reworked when the book is finished,
so reporting missing index entries probably won’t help much…
Thanks for your support for this project. Keep the comments
coming in.
Dave T.