Newbie can't get sample/etc/wizard.rb to work


I’ve downloaded wxruby onto windows (ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel

All samples are working fine, except for wizard.rb, which gets:

initialize': Error initializing #<Wx::Wizard:0x2f3fed8> (ArgumentError) Sent parameters: [#<MyFrame:0x2f403b0>, -1, "The WxRuby Wizard", #<Wx::Point: (-1, -1)>, #<Wx::Size: (-1, -1)>, 536877056] Correct parameters are: title (String) bitmap (Wxruby2::Bitmap) pos (Wxruby2::Point) size (Wxruby2::Size) style (Fixnum) from wizard.rb:37:innew’
from wizard.rb:37:in initialize' from wizard.rb:70:innew’
from wizard.rb:70:in on_init' from wizard.rb:80:inmain_loop’
from wizard.rb:80

What am I missing here?

Thanks – this newbie appreciates your help!


wxruby-1.9.0-i386-mswin32/wizard.rb is working good

Hello Peralta,

This is a current bug in wxRuby 1.9.1, dealing with the new way to pass
paramaters to the constructors for the class. Currently, there is a
Mis-match in documentation, and the way the constructor keywords are
setup for Wx::Wizard. It has already been discussed, and is being
looked into further. So hopefully, we will have a patch for it by the
1.9.2 release.

So rest assured, your not missing anything. :wink:

Mario S.


[email protected] wrote:

I’ve downloaded wxruby onto windows (ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0)

All samples are working fine, except for wizard.rb, which gets:

Yep, this was a bug that crept in version 1.9.1. It’s now fixed in
Subversion for the next release.

Thanks for the report, sorry for the trouble
